Anna Damon

Romance novel reader, writer, and now blogger.

Archive for the month “February, 2013”

The Object of My Affection

My friend, whose been living the single life forever and a day,  is dating a shorter man probably for the first time in her life.  I noticed when she came to my house wearing flats.  As long as I’ve known her she never wears flats.  I looked at her shoes and asked, “what’s with the flats?” ” I met someone,” she said, “he’s short.”  I started to laugh.  “So, because you’re dating a shorter man, do you really have to wear flats?”   “I really like this guy,” she said.

Apparently he feels comfortable in his own skin to date a much taller women and some women don’t care about dating shorter men, it’s what’s inside that counts.  I have found that shorter men are not only cuter, but are also charming and have more charisma.  After all, at the end of the day, it’s what the heart feels.

“I saw you standing, leaning against my hopeless intention”- ©Copyright 2013 written by: Peter Johnson.

“The laws of gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.” – Albert Einstein

Valentine’s Day, love those flowers, heart shape chocolates and the extra little gifts that come in a small box.  The spirit of love and desire is as strong as ever.  You have people falling in love for the first time,  people who have been in love for a very long time and people who are still searching for that special someone to fall in love with.  The best part of the day is remembering the people you love and the ones who love you back.

Just how much are we willing to compromise?

Women and men definitely don’t react the same way, they don’t think the same way and when it comes to seeing eye-to-eye, compromising definitely needs to come to term.  Why is it so hard for women to say no, yet it comes very easy to men? When a guy doesn’t want to do something, he can very easily say no, there’s no hesitation at all.  Is it because women are always trying to play nice? This is a lesson I should have learned from my friends and their dates.

It’s even harder for a woman to break up with a guy, especially if he’s a nice guy, yet men, as nice as a woman can be, if they are not feeling it, they will break up with you in a heartbeat, not mattering how nice you were to him or anyone else.  Have you notice men move fast after a split and women dwell in their sorrows? How can we be so confident in other areas and yet so brainless when it comes to relationships?

One of the things that bother me most is when I hear any one woman say to another “your standards are too high.”  Are you kidding me?  If we all lived by the same standards we would probably all fall for the same guy.  And what are women insinuating when we say that to each other, that our standards shouldn’t be high? Should we settle? Because if there’s anything that we should not do is settle.  Especially settling for the wrong guy; if you are going to settle, do it with the right person, besides you’ve waited this long. Women have great intuitions, we know when the right person comes along, we even know on a first date if it’s going to work out or not. I would go as far as to say that we even know (on a first date) just how much we are willing to compromise if none at all.

My advice: Enjoy time for yourself, enjoy your own space and ask yourself, What Do I Really Want?

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