Anna Damon

Romance novel reader, writer, and now blogger.

Archive for the tag “men are from mars”

Love and Loss…

A friend of mine has been struggling lately with her relationship.  A lot goes into a relationship and it’s hard to determine whether to let go or continue holding on.  The end of any relationship is difficult and if it doesn’t work out, the hardest part is coping with the break-up.  You allow people to get close to you; you make them a part of your life and a fear of mixed emotions float through your mind.

It’s hard to lose someone you care about; it’s like losing a part of your life.  And the hardest part is coping with the pain you feel.  If you are angry or hurt, let yourself be angry and hurt, it’s normal.  Though you are missing him/her like crazy, spend time with your family and friends.  Try hard to focus on the present and keep in mind that you are not alone.  Remember that very few people get to know us as we really are.  Keep an open mind and an open heart.

In the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, “Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”.

Take Me Home!

Okay, picture the scene…you’re in the car with your boyfriend, and both of you have just had a disagreement.  All of a sudden you say , “take me home!”  He looks at you and says “fine.”

He presses his foot on the petal, speeding to drop you off.

My question to you is why are you mad?  You just said, “take me home!”  The man has actually listened to what you just asked him to do.

Maybe next time you’ll think about it before you actually ask him to take you home.  And of course, out of all the times he’s never listened before, he listens now.

Men must truly be from Mars and Women from Venus.

A Question For Men

Here’s a question for the men out there:

Have you read the book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, by John Gray?  According to CNN the book sold over 7 million copies.  The book talks about the most common relationship problems between men and women, and how women tend to keep this “Point System” which men aren’t aware of.  In the end, the purpose of the book is to help couples understand each other better.

Now I know each individual is unique in their own way and what works for one person may not work for the other, but here’s my question:

For those who have read the book, has it really helped you understand women better?

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