Anna Damon

Romance novel reader, writer, and now blogger.

Archive for the tag “affection”

When He Disappoints You…

First I’d like to start by saying that while many men may seem ideal after just a few weeks of dating, upon closer inspection, there can be warning signs that you should avoid a relationship with this person. After so much, ‘the we need to communicate talk, because I can’t read your mind.’ The communication should be balanced. And if a man says to you, ‘I’m a grown man and didn’t know I needed to report to you’. OMG…did he just say that, No Way! Whatever happened to some plain old common courtesy?

Second, If you feel that you are over calling or texting, than you probably are. Take a break and see if ‘He’ starts calling and putting an effort. If he doesn’t, Move On Sister! You deserve someone who wants to call you, talk to you and spend time with you.

Don’t let a man become the center of your universe. Apparently it’s a bad thing.

The Perfect Man…

Women may dream about finding prince charming, but does he really exist?  Some of us spend our whole lives searching for the perfect man, though each of us have our own ideas of what a perfect man should be or should look like.  Women’s taste changes as we get older and our idea of a ‘perfect man’ could exist for every stage in our lives.

Example:  As a man matures, it’s important for him to be well educated, hard working, as opposed to being an athletic or good looking.  Also someone that is honest and trusting are two important factors along with communication.  So as a woman, what is it exactly that we are searching for?

Do we really need a perfect man or do we just need a special guy who can accept us the way we are and makes us feel special? I know that I am not perfect, I think that none of us are, we should just look for someone who can make us happy.   And if you are with someone, and that person doesn’t make you happy, maybe you just haven’t met him yet.


To the one I love, you might not be the ‘Perfect Man’, but you are definitely the perfect man for me.

Do women treat their dogs better than their men?

As I was standing in line at Barnes and Noble, I noticed a very beautiful young girl holding a book called “The New Rules of Attraction: How to Get Him, Keep  Him, and Make Him Beg for More,” by Arden Leigh. She looked as if she was in her mid twenties.  I wondered why she needed to get a book like that when she should be enjoying life rather than worrying on how to get a man.  I, on the other hand, was going over a book called “Training basics, Understanding your dog’s personality” among other dog books.   As I was going through the context of the books, it dawned on me that maybe this is the book that she should have been buying.  Please don’t misunderstand me, it’s not that I’m telling women men are like dogs, though some women might think so.  It’s that I have realized that sometimes, we do treat our animals better than we do our spouses.  For example :

Understanding your dog’s personality-  Why not focus on understanding your spouse’s personality?

House breaking your puppy-  What immediately came to mind was lowering the toilet seat every time a man goes to the bathroom.

Waiting at the door (dogs)- Yes, men should still hold the door for ladies.  It’s called  “8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow.”

Caring for your dog- Why not caring for your man?

Notice, dog’s don’t have a problem expressing affection at all.

Why dogs?  Because they’re cute, loyal and friendly.

As for the girl that was standing in line, if you ever happen to read this post, this is for you:

“Do not chase people.  Be you, do your own thing and work hard.  The right people who belongs in your life will come to you and stay”.  Wu Tang

P.S. I love my dogs!

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